Michael Siddall

Full stack software developer
with over 15 years of customer service experience, team leadership, and impecable soft skills.

More About Me

About Me

My three loves are music, food, and all things tech. After spending the last 20 years working in the music and service industry, I decided to explore one of my other passions and began to pursue a career in software development. Having completed a 20 week intensive program at Prime Acadamey in November 2020, where I not only learned the coding skills necessary to excel in the tech field, but also sharpened my soft skills through courses in career development, public speaking, and diversity, equity and inclusiveness training. I transitioned from school to an internship at a SASS startup, Tolli, pair programming remotely in an Agile team while building full-stack features using new technologies like the Svelte framework and Fauna DB. From there, I moved into a Junior Digital Engineering role at Minneapolis based Range Digital Marketing where I'm part of a an agile team working in React, Express, Node, and MongoDB primarily. I'm bringing over 15 years of customer service, team leading, and impecable soft skills to the field of technology and excited to learn and grow in the field.


JavaScript, React, Redux, jQuery, Node, Express, PostgresSQL, HTML,
CSS, JSON, Git, Heroku, Bootstrap, Material UI, AJAX, REST, Jest,
Ghost Inspector, MacOS, Svelte, FaunaDB, Ruby/Rails

Currently Learning

Tailwind CSS, Typescript, MongoDB, Shopify/Liquid


Show Me!

Live Music Personal Journal App

Solo Project: 2 week Sprint

For many live music fans, saving old concerts ticket stubs was a way to reconnect with the memories of a musical experience. As technology has evolved, tickets have gone digital and so with it that direct connection or trigger to those memories. Show Me! is an app designed for fans of live music. Whether it’s a local band in a tiny dive bar or a sold out 40,000 seat arena concert, Show Me! allows users to document and organize their live music experiences. Registered users have the ability to write reviews of their concert experiences: Who were you with? How was the sound at the venue? Did the artist play your favorite song? Maybe something personally memorable happened that night? With the power of Spotify’s Artist Search API and SongKick’s Venue Search API, users can quickly and easily add their favorite bands and venue information and capture not only their musical memories, but the life that was lived inside of them.


Group Project/Fully Remote: 2 Week Sprint

Constructed Remotely

Draw is a community color therapy initiative inspired by Charles Moertel, who wanted to make a children’s book, but passed away before having the opportunity to achieve his goal. Draw partners with local organizations to host coloring days where people express creativity, share stories, and grow community by adding pages to the ever-growing children’s book. This mobile optimized app allows participants at Draw events to safely request sanitized drawing materials to their table through scanning a QR code at the table. Users are able to then upload and submit their drawings via their phone. Event Admins receive requests via the app and deliver the materials to the table. They can also create and curate future events. In addition, Event Admins can approve submitted drawings to be posted in the gallery, which all event participants can view at the event.